<p>Teens trained to raise awareness about sexual and reproductive health in Gaza</p> AMDEC - ENGLISH

Teens trained to raise awareness about sexual and reproductive health in Gaza

Thirty teenagers from schools in three districts (Manjacaze, Mapai, and Bilene) participated in the "Peer Educators Training" from May 8th to May 12th in Macia-Bilene, Gaza province. During the event, held in the Town Center of Magude, Lázaro Mbambamba praised not only the gesture but also the commitment of AMDEC in its activities in the district. To the beneficiaries, the Administrator urged them to cultivate honest management of the support given and to avoid disloyalty in their activities.

The training, part of the VIVA+ project, aims to ensure that children of the same age group, within the school environment and beyond, can interact with each other to assist in the process of behaviour change. Over the course of the 5-day activity, various topics were covered, predominantly focused on sexual and reproductive health.

It is hoped that, with this intervention of vital importance for the development of adolescents, the educators can become valuable elements to reinforce the activities already being carried out by field assistants in the schools covered by the project implemented in partnership with the FDC - Community Development Foundation.